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Texas A&M Mock Trial Application Information

We are glad you are interested in joining Texas A&M’s Mock Trial Team! We understand that recruitment can be stressful for many students, don't worry though! Below is an outline of the entire process and how to get started!


2024-2025 applications are open






Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 - Zoom - 8:00 pm



Thursday, August 29st, 2024 



Round 1: Application Submission

We want to get to know you! This application is so we can get a glimpse of your personality and prior experience. The questions we ask you are designed to get to know you, your strengths and weaknesses, team compatibility, and coach-ability. We encourage you to use this opportunity to answer authentically and to not just put down answers that you think we want to hear. You will need to include three items to have a complete application: The application form, a 1-3 page response to our essay prompts, and a head-shot of yourself (senior photo, vacation photo, or anything you believe might convey your creativity, individuality, or personality).


There is a checkbox portion of the application that says “Auditioning to Be A: Witness/Attorney/Both”. If you circle “Witness” and make it to the audition phase, you will be expected to present 2 memorized paragraph-sized monologues for your audition. If you circle “Attorney” and make it to the audition phase, you will be expected to present an impromptu speech. If you choose “Both” then you have the option to either present 2 memorized paragraph-sized monologues OR present an impromptu speech. Monologues and impromptu speech content can be found under the “Round 2: Auditions” section of this page. 

Send those items to by our deadline of September 2 at 5 PM! After we have received all applications we will review them, and make the first round of cuts. You will be notified by the end of the day on September 3rd if you have made it to the next round.


Round 2: Auditions

Congrats, you have made it to the audition round! During the audition round, the questions and prompts we ask are to understand how you might interact in court given a certain situation or what role you might take if you join our team. Ultimately, we are striving to find what the best position will be for you on one of our competition teams. We have both new applicants and returning members audition, so you will be on the same playing-field as everyone else.


Interviews can be stressful, so here's a short summary of what your audition will be like to ensure you are not caught off-guard: To start the audition, what you will present during your audition will depend on whether you chose Witness, Attorney, or Both in the application. 



You will memorize two short, paragraph-sized monologues from the document below and present them to us. Please feel free to add any character, accents, mannerisms, gestures, etc. to your performance that represent the character. You will have 3 minutes in total to present your monologues. After one of your monologues, we’ll ask you a few questions, and you’ll answer “in character”. Don’t be afraid to be dramatic! We’re less focused on word-for-word memorization and are looking to see if you can create a well-rounded, believable character from the monologues we’ve provided.



You will be given a choice of two topics from the list below and one minute to prepare a speech. Once the preparation period is up, you will have up to 1 minute and 30 seconds to present your speech, taking whatever stance or direction you wish with the topic. Afterward, we will question you about your speech, judging if you can defend your position. We’re focused on how well you can articulate your position and stick to it. Try to choose a firm stance; we want to see conviction in whatever side you take, regardless if you believe in that viewpoint or not.



You will EITHER memorize two short, paragraph-sized monologues from the document in the “Witness” section above OR present an impromptu speech from the “Attorney” section above. You will let us know during your audition which one you will be presenting. We recommend choosing this option on your initial application if you are not certain which role or audition format you would like to choose. 


The dress-code for our audition is business professional. Auditions will be held on September 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th. The sign-up link for auditions will be sent out with the email notifying you that you have advanced to the next round. 



Round 3: Final Team Selection

We work hard to get results back as soon as possible, and we want to make sure everyone has a fair shot. Texas A&M Mock Trial is expected to get around 100 applicants with our team only accepting about 30 members, meaning we have to cut many applicants. You should expect an acceptance or rejection letter with our decision by the end of the day on September 10th.

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